Monday, January 5, 2009

My Coming Birthday Wishlist....:P

Nikon D90
Yeay! My birthday is coming soon.....Hope 2009 would be a great year for me to recieve lots of pressies....hahahha...really sounds greedy :P I guess time really flies huh? Another year has already past and my birthday coming soon....2 months and 3 days to be exact....


So all of you readers out there; I'm helping you to save your time as well as saving your brain cells by showing you the things I want for my Birthday this year...seriously...I have been in this situation whereby I do not know what to get for my friends during the brithdays and I would normally go ask around or even search the web for something nice and special to buy....Thats really a brain cell killer...Therefore you guys should thank me by giving you 'hints' here....


Well it's not much to ask for right? My top list is just a Nikon D90 which lot's of people do own as asking for 1 ain't that bad right? Next would be a Mac Book; I don't mind a Mac Book Pro too though....hehehe...a SONY PS3 would be a handy tool for me to release some stress especially from work and last but not least...if you guys or gals can afford it, I would be really grateful......hahahhaa....yupz! my dream car....Lexus IS 250.....

Anyways I wanna thank you all in advance for the upcoming birthday pressies! hahahaha... Ray is already dreaming so early of the year....


Alice said...

You are so high maintenance! :p

So this is an advance notice so that we could save up and buy you all the fancy toys, kan? Well, one can always dream... *GRIN*

Ray Titus Ong said...

che...high maintenance meh? ok only :P

yaya...2 more months up and get me one of d above :P

*day dreaming* again...

Unknown said...

"day dreaming" is good! I can get you a Lexus toy car. :P

Alice said...

Wing ah Wing, I was actually thinking the same thing. Hahahaaa!

While you're at it, I would love to have a VW Beetle toy car, yellow colour one... Thank you! MUHAHAHAHA

Ray Titus Ong said...

aikz..toy car only ar? :(