3rd October 2009 was a life changing experience for me...why? Well for once, I never thought I would pay RM390 for a 1 day class and it's for photography! I mean come on, RM390 for a class to teach you on how to use your camera? All you need is just tweak some setting here and there while the rest is just position yourself to shoot right? I WAS WRONG...
After sitting there listening to our trainers a couple of minutes, already I found out that I was MISTAKEN all these while especially on the setting of the camera...I've been doing what a lot might be doing; get a Digital-SLR (DSLR) and use them as a you would with a compact digital cameras (CDC). Nothing wrong with CDCs but why get a DSLR (way much costly compared to CDC) if you would to use it as a CDC right?
*Setting camera to shoot correctly
*Using F.A.C.T. to shoot beautiful photos
*Flash photography
*Model photo shoot session (indoor & outdoor)
Some of the photos from the class session....

Alex modeling for the 1st shoot

Beautiful Sharon with Charming Andrew

The class session is totally informative, humorous, fun, exciting & very much hands on! This is all credited to both our trainers for the day;
Andrew Boey & Alex Ang for making it such a wonderful experience. Also thanking our model for the day;
Sharon for her professionalism & dedication.
My class session was made more enjoyable as I was accompanied by my 2 friends;
Wing &
Alice and it certainly is more fun if you have friends tagging along to share your accomplishments. If not you could always make new friends which we did and his name is
After the session, I find that it is worth every cents for the RM390 that I paid as I get much more value out of it! The class that I am targeting now would be the
Flash Photography!