2008 has been a great and not so great year 4 me...how so? d good things first...got 2 know lots of new and great frens namely Wing, Eugenie (ah ma), Alice Teh (kai-che), Janny, Nor juz 2 emphasise a few...oso able 2 learn more about invesments & how it helped me as well as my investors on growing their pool of resources, achieving self satisfaction goals which i never thought of achieving...getting 2 know high net worth people around...able 2 visit redang once more...

4 d sad part...lost someone i loved most...i do understand loosing loved ones is part of life cycle be it parents, family members, frens etc but those r mostly relates 2 natural world cycle... i've never felt so much hurt b4 .... not only has she hurt me once but twice! frens were asking why am i so stupid to be cheated not only once....i cannot answer them at all...well its going 2 be 2009 soon and I will leave it all behind as it has already been 4 months and 18 days since d break up.. well i guess its during these time that u really know who ur true frens r as they shine bright in d dark and this i wanna thank Alex, Alan, Lai, Eugenie, Wing, Alice & Nor (not 4getting my god parents, priscilla, christine, crystal, janny, karyn & estella) ....Like my god parents said : GOD has other plans 4 me & oso these experiences make me stronger!

2009....4 getting about d past...looking 4ward 4 a great future & challenge...first off...thanx ah ma & wing 4 d goal setting session at starbucks yesterday...was a great 1! we all r looking 4ward 2 achieve our goal 2 visit Dubai in 2010! wohoo...its time 2 shine baby!
2009...a year of plans and packed schedule as well as money crunching activities...starting of will be a visit to australia (melbourne->sydney->perth) in march...then diving lessons in May @ Tioman Island....June CFP courses...Quarter 3 a road trip 2 d east coast & lastly end of year would be either Krabi or Bali! oh yeah! bring it on!
most of u will be wondering why d topic that i am mentioning here is not related 2 d pics at all... well ur rite until now :P actually why i am showing d above pics is that ppl r really spending.. look at d massive jam at mid valley and its only 4 pm on a Tuesday! not 4getting Starbucks @ The Gardens....90% occupied...Starbucks @ Megamall is 100% occupied...Starbucks @ Borders, The Gardens is 80% occupied...btw am not promoting Starbucks here ok? i'm trying 2 relate 2 my blog readers that d economy is not as bad as wat d media has been potraying...sure...lots of u will argue is not here yet or d ppl visiting there r youngsters or this is d year end Xmas sale etc... well u might be true or u might not...juz 4 u readers 2 note that Starbucks is not a need but a lifestyle and if ppl can afford it...u should realise that d ppl has d purchasing power...it shows...ppl can spend on fine dining, lifestyle, shop like no ppl biz, travel.....not only that...as of now...its still an employee market out there...whereby employee chooses d company and not d other way around.....so wat say u?
2009...a year of plans and packed schedule as well as money crunching activities...starting of will be a visit to australia (melbourne->sydney->perth) in march...then diving lessons in May @ Tioman Island....June CFP courses...Quarter 3 a road trip 2 d east coast & lastly end of year would be either Krabi or Bali! oh yeah! bring it on!
most of u will be wondering why d topic that i am mentioning here is not related 2 d pics at all... well ur rite until now :P actually why i am showing d above pics is that ppl r really spending.. look at d massive jam at mid valley and its only 4 pm on a Tuesday! not 4getting Starbucks @ The Gardens....90% occupied...Starbucks @ Megamall is 100% occupied...Starbucks @ Borders, The Gardens is 80% occupied...btw am not promoting Starbucks here ok? i'm trying 2 relate 2 my blog readers that d economy is not as bad as wat d media has been potraying...sure...lots of u will argue is not here yet or d ppl visiting there r youngsters or this is d year end Xmas sale etc... well u might be true or u might not...juz 4 u readers 2 note that Starbucks is not a need but a lifestyle and if ppl can afford it...u should realise that d ppl has d purchasing power...it shows...ppl can spend on fine dining, lifestyle, shop like no ppl biz, travel.....not only that...as of now...its still an employee market out there...whereby employee chooses d company and not d other way around.....so wat say u?
Friendship Forever! I will be there for you whenever, whatever, wherever...cheers!
thanx bro...really appreciates it..
And I your 'kai che' will kick your butt if you don't work hard in 2oo9. Muhahahaha...
ohhh....now i got another "whip" behind my back d...sure can excel :D thanx 4 ur "support" che :P
I can not wait for you to come.
2008 was a great and tough year for me.
espeacially the 1st and 3rd quarter.
The 3rd quar, economic crisis effected my previous co, and almost 70% of staffs (Msia Branch) have to let go, including me. But, lucky for me, not later than a month, I got offered from the Steelcase. This is where I am working now.
The to-do list for 2008 almost fulfilled and I got two things left and I do not think I can make it since there are 10 days to go for 2008 to be end. Perhaps, can add to my 2009 list.
eh, look like I am writing my own blog here pulak.
I guess I have to start my own blog too. Like Ray and Jumbo Wing. and Alice is the sifu. :)
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